The Sacraments are a key part of church life and are celebrated within our Parish church community. Each year the Holy Spirit Parish offers a special process to help candidates and families prepare for the celebration of the Sacraments of First Reconciliation (Yr 3, Term 1), First Communion (Yr 4, Term 3) and Confirmation (Yr 5, Term 2) for all children in the Parish of eligible age regardless of which school they attend.
Our Sacramental Preparation places a strong emphasis on family involvement, as we recognise that parents/guardians are the main educators in faith of their children.
This preparation is designed not only to prepare the candidates receiving the Sacrament, but also to involve and inform the parents and other family members, so that the experience can be shared as part of the family’s faith journey. Each of the Sacraments there are Preparation Sessions. We ask that one of the parents (or both) accompany your child to the Preparation Sessions so that the preparation of the candidates can continue at home.
Sacraments for 2025
First Reconciliation (Year 3) - Term 1
- Bookings available from 13 January 2025
- Parent Information & Catechesis - Tuesday 11 February 5pm or Wednesday 12 Feb 6pm
- Preparation Sessions will be in February (3 weeks)
- First Reconciliation: 8, 12, 15 March
First Communion (Year 4) - Term 3
- Bookings available from 1 July 2025
- Parent Information & Catechesis - Tuesday 12 August 5pm or Wednesday 13 August 6pm
- Preparation Sessions will be August (3 weeks)
- First Communion Masses: 6 September 3pm, 13 September 3pm, 14 September 12pm, 20 September 3pm
Confirmation (Year 5) - Term 2
- Bookings available from 14 April 2025
- Parent Information & Catechesis - Tuesday 13 May 5pm or Wednesday 14 May 6pm
- Preparation Sessions will be in May (3 weeks)
- Confirmation Masses: June (dates yet to be confirmed)
Your child is welcome to join the program if they are older than the suggested age. The program is advertised at all local Catholic and State Primary Schools in St Clair/Erskine Park/Kemps Creek.
Please contact the Sacramental Coordinator at the Parish Office if your child:
- Has not been Baptised
- Is 17 years or older
- Has been baptised in a non denominational ceremony or a non Christian ceremony
- Has been baptised in a different Rite (for Eg Melkite)
Sacramental Coordinator contact : Germaine – 0451279934 or email [email protected]
Baptisms are held on Saturdays or Sundays at 11.30am (outside of regular Mass times). It is best to book your child’s baptism at least 2 months in advance.
Prior to having a child baptised, parents and godparents (if possible) are required to attend a Preparation Evening at the parish centre. These are held once a month.
If you would like to book a Baptism please complete the online application form. Once this information is completed and received, the Parish Secretary will contact you to confirm your bookings. Please find all the relevant information below.
1. Baptism Application Form (click button below)
2. Baptism Brochure (below) – please take time to read this brochure it may assist you in making an important decision of committing your child to the Catholic Faith.
If you have any further enquires please contact the Parish.


Becoming Catholic
The Catholic Church has a special way of initiating adults into the Catholic faith. It is called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). It is a period of Christian formation offered to those seeking to become Catholic.
The RCIA takes place within a parish community so you are able to share in the life of the Church expressed in a local faith community. It offers a way to grow in knowledge of Christ and the Catholic faith in company with others on a similar journey.
Who is the RCIA for?
The RCIA is for all those seeking to become members of the Catholic Church. Children over the age of seven years and teenagers are supported through an adapted form of the Rite, Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (RCIC).
The RCIA is offered to those who have never been baptised but may also benefit those already baptised who desire to become Catholic.
The non-baptised who are suitably prepared are joyfully received into the Catholic Church by the reception of the three Sacraments of Initiation, namely Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. This takes place at the Easter Vigil in their local Catholic parish.
Those already baptised, following a period of preparation, are welcomed into full communion of the Catholic Church by the reception of the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. This may take place at a suitable time during the liturgical year in their local Catholic parish.
Catechumen – a non-baptised person preparing for Baptism and Initiation into the Catholic Church
Candidate – a baptised person preparing to enter into full communion of the Catholic Church
Taking the next step
People who are interested in becoming Catholic may contact Holy Spirit Parish to discuss their interest with the RCIA coordinator.
A young woman protested to her mother that she was the one being married and should be allowed to do things her way. “Mother”, said the bride-to-be, “You had your wedding twenty-five years ago”. “No, dear,” came the reply, “that was my mother’s wedding.”
In our tradition marriage is a Sacrament, one of seven. Simply put, Sacraments are signs or acts of God’s love which touch us as we are.
As husband and wife grow together, love, offend, forgive, reconcile, work through disappointment and emerge as united, they become a living and effective sign that says to all: this is the way God is. He loves us through thick and thin, for better, for worse, 'til death and beyond. Marriage is a sign, a Sacrament, of that.
The decision to marry is one of the most significant decisions in life. Since it effects both State and Church there are certain requirements to be fulfilled:
This entails a seminar of approximately eleven hours duration and is conducted by trained and married educators. Contact the parish office for more information and bookings. See Catholic Engaged Encounter at
Life is a process and married life even more so. The Sacrament of Marriage is a gift to those who wish to return to the values and Spirit they know they will need in their life together.


At the 9.05 a.m. Mass on the 1st Friday of the month an anointing of the sick takes place. In the celebration of anointing and in Communion the sick are brought into the presence of Christ who strengthens them to face and overcome the suffering and “evil” by which we are challenged when we are sick.
This is not only a moment of healing for those who are sick but a time in which all can recognise their own debility and weakness. It is an occasion when the sick and suffering themselves can minister to the whole community showing how the state of sickness and diminishment can lead to deeper faith and depth of understanding.