MENU Home Liturgy Times Who We Are Parish Team Our Patron Ministries History Sacraments Sacraments for Children Baptism RCIA Marriage Anointing of the Sick Common Prayers Bulletins News Mass and Prayer Requests Contact Us Donate Now First Reconciliation Registration FIRST RECONCILIATION FORM 2025 Child's DetailsName of Child* First Middle Last Name of School* Child's Date of Birth* DD slash MM slash YYYY Place of Birth* Gender* Male Female Age*Please enter a number less than or equal to 99.Date of Baptism* DD slash MM slash YYYY Has your child received Baptism at Holy Spirit Parish?* Yes No Please name the Church where your child was Baptised* If the child is not baptised in this parish, please bring a copy of the Baptism Certificate to the first session (No originals please)Please name the suburb of the Church where your child was Baptised* Does your child have any additional needs?*Note: Children with special needs are most welcome to join the preparation. Kindly specify your child’s disability status and needs. Thank you. Yes No Kindly specify your child’s disability status and needs*Parent's DetailsFather's Name* First Last Father's Religion* Catholic If not Catholic, please select 'Other' and specify which religion/denomination.Mother's Name* First Last Mother's Maiden Name* Mother's Religion* Catholic If not Catholic, please select 'Other' and specify which religion/denomination.Address* Street Address City State / Province / Region Home Phone No.Mobile Phone No.*Email Address* Are there any Family Law Court Orders that the Parish should be aware of that may impact on the Candidate receiving this sacrament?* Yes No If Yes, can you please contact the Parish to discuss how this order may impact on the Candidate receiving this sacrament?Important DatesContribution to cover the cost of the program material is $35. Enrolment Ceremony to be held on the weekend of 15th & 16th of Feb during Masses. It is necessary that a commitment be made to the program by attending an enrolment ceremony. MASS TIMES: Saturday: 6:00pm and Sunday: 9.30am Key DatesPlease tick your preference (Attendance each week is COMPULSORY. Select one session per week)Parents Information Session* Tues 11 Feb, 5pm Wed 12 Feb, 6pm Enrolment mass* Sat 15 Feb, 6pm Sun 16 Feb, 9.30am Week 1* Tues 18 Feb, 5pm Wed 19 Feb, 6pm Week 2* Tues 25 Feb, 5pm Wed 26 Feb, 6pm Presentation of Cross* Sat 1 Mar, 6pm Sun 2 Mar, 9.30am Week 3* Tues 4 Mar, 5pm Thurs 6 Mar, 6pm 1st Reconciliation* Sat 8 Mar, 4pm Wed 12 Mar, 5pm Sat 15 Mar, 4pm Payment DetailsThe fee of $35 per child covers the cost of materials, resources and administration for the Sacrament. If this fee presents any difficulty, please speak to the sacramental co-ordinator.Total $ 0.00 Payment method* Credit Card Direct Deposit/EFT Cash/Cheque Details Credit Card (We don't take American Express) MasterCardVisaSupported Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa Card Number Month010203040506070809101112 Year20252026202720282029203020312032203320342035203620372038203920402041204220432044 Expiration Date Security Code Cardholder Name To pay through direct bank transfer into the Parish account please make the payment to the following: Bank: CBA BSB: 067950 Acc Number: 00000578 Acc Name: Holy Spirit Parish St Clair In the reference number please include family/surname. Receipt Number* IMPORTANT: Please include your bank's reference number for the transaction. Confirmation* I have made a direct deposit transfer and included receipt details. Place the money in an envelope marked “First Reconciliation" along with the "Child’s Name” and hand the envelope in to the Parish Office.1. The parish collects personal information, including sensitive information, about members of the faithful. The primary purpose of collecting this information is to enable it to administer the sacraments and pastoral care to the faithful, and to the children of the faithful. Information may be required to allow the parish to meet some of its legal obligations, provide care for the child while under supervision and discharge its duty of care. If you reside in the parish or otherwise continue to use its services, the information may also be used to solicit donations and/or request your services as a volunteer from time to time. 2. The parish discloses personal and sensitive information to others for administrative purposes. This includes other parishes, the Diocese, and people providing services to the schools including volunteers. 3. If we do not obtain the information requested, we may not be able to administer the sacraments. 4. Personal information collected from children is disclosed to their parents or guardians, parents or guardians may seek access to personal information collected about them and their son/daughter by contacting the parish on 9670 8222. 5. Adults may also seek access to information collected about them in the same manner. 6. As the parish largely relies upon locally raised funds and local effort for its continuation, information received from those who reside in the parish or avail themselves of its services may be used to solicit donations and other forms of support from them. On occasions it uses the resources of the Diocese to support this process and in the course of this, information is made available to those people. We will not disclose your personal information to other third parties for fundraising purposes without your consent. Note: A copy of the parish privacy policy is available from the parish office CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. FIRST RECONCILIATION FORM 2025 Child's DetailsName of Child* First Middle Last Name of School* Child's Date of Birth* DD slash MM slash YYYY Place of Birth* Gender* Male Female Age*Please enter a number less than or equal to 99.Date of Baptism* DD slash MM slash YYYY Has your child received Baptism at Holy Spirit Parish?* Yes No Please name the Church where your child was Baptised* If the child is not baptised in this parish, please bring a copy of the Baptism Certificate to the first session (No originals please)Please name the suburb of the Church where your child was Baptised* Does your child have any additional needs?*Note: Children with special needs are most welcome to join the preparation. Kindly specify your child’s disability status and needs. Thank you. Yes No Kindly specify your child’s disability status and needs*Parent's DetailsFather's Name* First Last Father's Religion* Catholic If not Catholic, please select 'Other' and specify which religion/denomination.Mother's Name* First Last Mother's Maiden Name* Mother's Religion* Catholic If not Catholic, please select 'Other' and specify which religion/denomination.Address* Street Address City State / Province / Region Home Phone No.Mobile Phone No.*Email Address* Are there any Family Law Court Orders that the Parish should be aware of that may impact on the Candidate receiving this sacrament?* Yes No If Yes, can you please contact the Parish to discuss how this order may impact on the Candidate receiving this sacrament?Important DatesContribution to cover the cost of the program material is $35. Enrolment Ceremony to be held on the weekend of 15th & 16th of Feb during Masses. It is necessary that a commitment be made to the program by attending an enrolment ceremony. MASS TIMES: Saturday: 6:00pm and Sunday: 9.30am Key DatesPlease tick your preference (Attendance each week is COMPULSORY. Select one session per week)Parents Information Session* Tues 11 Feb, 5pm Wed 12 Feb, 6pm Enrolment mass* Sat 15 Feb, 6pm Sun 16 Feb, 9.30am Week 1* Tues 18 Feb, 5pm Wed 19 Feb, 6pm Week 2* Tues 25 Feb, 5pm Wed 26 Feb, 6pm Presentation of Cross* Sat 1 Mar, 6pm Sun 2 Mar, 9.30am Week 3* Tues 4 Mar, 5pm Thurs 6 Mar, 6pm 1st Reconciliation* Sat 8 Mar, 4pm Wed 12 Mar, 5pm Sat 15 Mar, 4pm Payment DetailsThe fee of $35 per child covers the cost of materials, resources and administration for the Sacrament. If this fee presents any difficulty, please speak to the sacramental co-ordinator.Total $ 0.00 Payment method* Credit Card Direct Deposit/EFT Cash/Cheque Details Credit Card (We don't take American Express) MasterCardVisaSupported Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa Card Number Month010203040506070809101112 Year20252026202720282029203020312032203320342035203620372038203920402041204220432044 Expiration Date Security Code Cardholder Name To pay through direct bank transfer into the Parish account please make the payment to the following: Bank: CBA BSB: 067950 Acc Number: 00000578 Acc Name: Holy Spirit Parish St Clair In the reference number please include family/surname. Receipt Number* IMPORTANT: Please include your bank's reference number for the transaction. Confirmation* I have made a direct deposit transfer and included receipt details. Place the money in an envelope marked “First Reconciliation" along with the "Child’s Name” and hand the envelope in to the Parish Office.1. The parish collects personal information, including sensitive information, about members of the faithful. The primary purpose of collecting this information is to enable it to administer the sacraments and pastoral care to the faithful, and to the children of the faithful. Information may be required to allow the parish to meet some of its legal obligations, provide care for the child while under supervision and discharge its duty of care. If you reside in the parish or otherwise continue to use its services, the information may also be used to solicit donations and/or request your services as a volunteer from time to time. 2. The parish discloses personal and sensitive information to others for administrative purposes. This includes other parishes, the Diocese, and people providing services to the schools including volunteers. 3. If we do not obtain the information requested, we may not be able to administer the sacraments. 4. Personal information collected from children is disclosed to their parents or guardians, parents or guardians may seek access to personal information collected about them and their son/daughter by contacting the parish on 9670 8222. 5. Adults may also seek access to information collected about them in the same manner. 6. As the parish largely relies upon locally raised funds and local effort for its continuation, information received from those who reside in the parish or avail themselves of its services may be used to solicit donations and other forms of support from them. On occasions it uses the resources of the Diocese to support this process and in the course of this, information is made available to those people. We will not disclose your personal information to other third parties for fundraising purposes without your consent. Note: A copy of the parish privacy policy is available from the parish office NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.