
Donating to our Parish provides funds needed for everyday costs and helps to shape future planning for the Parish.

Unless a donation is specified only for Parish or Augustinians, 70% of the monies donated is for the regular running costs of the parish.

The remaining 30% provides for household expenses of our priests and supports the ministry of the Augustinians.



There’s no better investment in the world than the local parish.  It is where people meet Jesus and lives are changed.

Giving from the heart…

Draws us closer to God

Investing in what matters to God, strengthens our relationship with God.

Grows Our Character

Giving better reflects the character of God.  God has given us everything — not even withholding his own Son!  God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son.

Expresses Love for People

Our giving makes it possible for people to hear the Good News of God’s love for them.  It also helps us provide, through the various parish ministries and groups, critical care to the poor and those in need.


Regular Church Contribution

Joining the Regular Church Contribution provides an opportunity for parishioners to support Holy Spirit through automated online giving using debit or credit card.  This is especially helpful during this time of COVID-19 when new, simpler ways of providing financial support in a secure way are needed.

Please email the completed form to Mila Llamas:

[email protected]

or send it to the Parish Office

We also ask you to complete the Direct Debit Request and Amendment form if this is your preferred method of contribution.

Donation by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

Holy Spirit Parish accepts donations made by EFT.

Account Name:  Holy Spirit Parish St Clair

Bank:  CBA

BSB:  067 950

Account Number:  000 005 78

Please enter your Surname and Initial as a reference.


At Holy Spirit, we believe giving should be easy.  Giving online is simple and secure. Give a one-time gift using your debit or credit card.

All contributions are greatly appreciated and will help meet the needs of our ever expanding Parish.

Gift in Wills

Good deeds will live beyond your lifetime with a gift in Will to your parish and faith community.  After providing for your family and loved ones, please consider sharing God’s blessings with future generations.


Just like a household, or a business, the Parish has many expenses to meet throughout the year.  It must cover payments for insurance, repairs, electricity, telephone bills, rates, maintenance and hygiene.  In 2021, our insurance bill increased to $22,549 – covering more than 6 weeks of our mass collection!  And given that our Parish Centre is almost 40 years old, the costs for repairs and maintenance are also substantial.

Like many Parishes, we are also servicing a loan when we had the church building renovated in early 2000.  It is amounting to $30,456 per annum commitment.

With the insurance and loan repayments alone, that already equals 3 months of our current mass collection.

The Regular Church Contribtion, therefore, is essential as it allows the Parish to budget, and with some certainty know that it can pay for expenses that fall due during the year.  It also enables the Parish to plan for, and prioritise, specific projects, and highlight where expenditure may need to be deferred or further fundraising undertaken (for example, in the case of the Solar Panels Project).

Refund Policy
If you are seeking a refund, please contact the Parish via the email below
[email protected]